What Cover Should I Use For My Contemporary Romance?
Sorry shirtless men, but the times are changing… In a recent twitter poll, I asked my follow romance readers, what book cover attracts you to purchase it. Question to all #RomanceReaders . What type of covers to you prefer? #amreadingromance #romance #WritingCommuntiy #writerslife #writerpoll #MondayThoughts #polls — Remy Marie (@remymarieauthor) June 17, 2019 In the poll, I’d included four options of either, a shirtless man, a romantic couple, a solo female, or other. Based on the top ten selling novels in the contemporary romance on Amazon, I had a feeling that the results would be mixed, but would favor the shirtless man cliché. However, based on the results I was dead wrong. The classic solo male cover is no longer popular as it came in dead last of the polls. With a ranking of fourth, the solo male category was beaten by the third place solo female, the second place other category and the first place romantic couple. So what cover is the mos...