The Alpha Nanny Cover Shoot (Get Free Pictures of the Photo Shoot!)

Over the past two weeks I’ve been acting like a kid before Christmas. Why? Because I hired a photographer to do a photo shoot for my upcoming novel The Alpha Nanny.

As a self publisher I was at a crossroads. I am an interracial romance writer and one of the promises I made was that I would feature a POC on the cover, and if I could, that person would be in a romantic embrace with another race.

 Why do I look for covers like these? Because this tells readers, this is what your going to read. You are going to read a book about a black woman finding love with a white man. Take it or leave it.

Another reason why I look for couples in an embrace is because to me, the couple seems more realistic than just two stock photographed people pasted together. While there’s nothing wrong with this, (I’m going to have to use this style of cover for several of my books) I just like my interracial covers to look like this, both as a reader and writer.

Lastly, a couple in a romantic embrace just sells. Don’t believe me? Read my post about popular romance covers.Click Here

Getting back on subject, I wanted to hire a photographer for The Alpha Nanny because I wanted a genuine photograph of an Asian woman and black man. I’ve researched dozens of stock photos sites and I could never find a cheap photo that portrays both of my characters image. Refusing to rewrite my characters to fit into a picture of a model. I hired Lenin Luna, from Upwork (Instagram @leninluna) to get the cover I wanted. The process was easy. After a few days of discussion, he found models that fit my criteria, scouted locations and took about a dozen high quality shots for me. And when I got the results, I was happy to say that he was spot on in my vision.

I now have several options to choose from for a book cover along with pictures for a potential sequel and promotional materials. The one picture above is just a sample of the pictures that I have. If you would like to see more, please sign up for my email list and you will receive and automated email with the pictures. If you already are on my email list. You should have received the pictures as of the time of this publishing post.


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