The Writing Journal- It's All About the Alpha's 07/25/2019
As the title says, all of my updates are all about books in The Alpha Series! Sorry fans of the Lucky and Moonhunter series! Your time to shine is on the horizon!
The Alpha Nanny Update
So, what did you think of the new cover? I personally love it. It really blends well together. Plus the pink really makes the book pop. In other news, I've finished my final edits for The Alpha Nanny and have submitted them to Amazon for approval. I will be posting the preorder link once the book is approved, but the date stands as August 30th.
I've also downloaded the MOBI file. For any readers or reviewers who would like a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review please let me know. While it's not mandatory to submit a review, all reviewers who send me a screenshot of their review will get a signed paperback copy of The Alpha Nanny for free from me. If you would like to sign up for the ARC program please e-mail me at
The Alpha Experience Update
In all honesty, I just copied and pasted the write up from last week. I may add a few things here and there, but for the most part I am going to keep this format until I finish the rough draft.
The sequel to The Alpha Nanny is coming along. I've finished the rough draft of Chapter 5, and I am currently writing Chapter 6.
Here is a little about the book, this of course is spoiler free of The Alpha Nanny. The story follows the love life of Bruce Zhang, Deena's brother. He goes to Argentina to get away from family, but meets a whole new one in the country.
I am very excited to write this book not only because I think The Alpha Nanny/ Bruce deserves another story, I am also including some of my own experiences from Argentina in this book. So it should be interesting.
Projects in the Works
The Date Lottery: Post Production- Minor Edits Release Date-
TBA 2019
Mohinder’s Wrath: Production w/ Heavy Editing
With A Little Luck: (The Date Lottery Sequel) Production,
Rough Draft at 10,467 words.
The Alpha Experience: (The Alpha Nanny Sequel) Production,
Rough Draft at 11,589 words
Next Week Work Schedule
This section is more for me, less for you. However, I think
it’s cool to see what I’m planning on doing over the next week, until the next blog. This schedule is not set in stone,
I may be either ahead or behind schedule it all depends on what is actually
happening that day. I also have a day job and a family, so my life always has it's unexpected turns.
Friday: Writing Day (No set writing goals. Just write)
Saturday: Writing Day
Sunday: Personal Day
Monday: Writing Day
Tuesday: Writing Day
Wednesday: Writing Day
Thursday: Writing Day/ Blog Day
Total Word Count Goal: 5,000. I'm still struggling to get past 5,000 each week, but I don't want to go any lower than this number. With no editing on my schedule, I believe I should be able to knock out 5,000 words this week. Fingers crossed.
If you would like daily updates on my writing journey,
please follow me on Twitter or Instagram. My handles for both accounts are
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